it is 2 good 2 be true

I do not know who was the one that started with that sentence but deftly he was a
Pessimistic man…its 2 good 2 be true…Probly he is already dead and we stack with that belief.
It’s a sentence that we say wean thing r looking "2 good" try 2 see what the hell is wrong with that realty that we create , though it’s the realty that we wished for…
If u by chance Forgot say it 2 your self & really clam into the moment & enjoy some "good soul" will remind u that…lol
So. we start 2 suspect "his 2 nice what does he really want ?" , or" that deal look 2 good must be a catch" why your man came with flower? mmm… what the did he do u ask yourself ??? (u can pick your on preferred Fears )
Then …when , fears doubt crawl …Very easily 2 our mind , amazing mind
We have always help us and give us what we want u have some doubt ? u can't contain the realty u wish for? U r suspect that something is wrong ?
No problem u will get the satisfaction, Of been right!
some shit will happen & u will be abele 2 tell yourself I knew it! It was 2 good 2 be true!!! it seems 2 be that with shit in life we know ow 2 deal in life but with thing that we really want' dream that we live in realty we have some problem… yes we r a very
complicated in the western society ***
shit is happen in life if we want it or not and still never heard somebody say oh…its 2 bad 2 be true, why?
We say it only in blossoming times in life.
Though it is a very poplar sentence and most of our life we grow up on it I decided 2
Tack it out of my life & tell myself and the "good soul"
Its good & its true
Learning 2 contain the good in my life its nice might be that u want to try it 2
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