some time u have 2 go back

yesterday i came back 2 a place that use 2 be my home 4 long some point -7-8 month after i released 4 the army felt like i have 2 go traveld & in a min took a decision and day after
that noon time took the first bus 2 Tel aviv lelf my houese, work & man that i use 2 live with' didnt took my belongings...somthing insaid of me called me 2 seek 4 somthing diffrent & surch this wonder who call life.
During the years frome time 2 time thoght about that home, thoght about that man that i left with no explanation, even didnt have some good nice reason 2 myself ( i had nice country life there) but since i know my self im following after my hunch & trust them.
Yesterday after 15 years that i left came back did a verey long walk around the place ' meat all the pepole that use 2 live with me there ' the man i left & his wife stod there 4 a seconed loking at the old familiar & knew that it was the best decision i ever did.
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