surrender 2 life & art

Last 2 weeks I had a creation block it is happing never
thought about what the reason …until last week…
Art is emotion all creativity start there at Hefley emotion, during life we learn quit well I have 2 say 2 depress felling especially the emotion that negative, we depress our anger, our sadness ' disappointment …just not 2 expirees them we r afraid that it will be 2 painful afraid that if somebody see our weakness ' people will heart us.
The only problem of depress emotion is that u can not depress only the negative or lets say the unpopular…wean we do that we r depress also the love ' kindness, joy and give the life a very safe place 2 live but without variety of emotion like picture only in black & write without no cooler I was there last 2 weeks had a lot of emotion , fear & disappointed from people around me but still
Block my self & was doing all the work in automatic way …in that situation could not caret nothing the only think that art asking is true feel u can not fake it !
U have 2 be surrender 2 feel 2 create & like art also life u have 2 be surrender
2 life not fight them not face them just be real wean your hart & your words r equal then u can live then u can create.
From time 2 time its good leg go the mind & just feel…
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