Can't run away from your shadow

That shadow have being  walking with me, everyone have there  own shadow, for part of us it’s an enormous shadow that effect life for some of us it’s a small  one.

Trauma or event that have been a point that as a chilled made us to tack a decision that will influence our life as adult

Most of the soul that have been  mutilated in childhood becoming 2 be the best people at hiding the pain of there "shadow"they will do anything that preople want c the black hall in there soul.

There are  a lot of ways to run away  from your shadow, drugs , alcohol , traveling ,allways move from one place to another,having a shallow relationship,lies being cynical, telling the story of your life like it happen to somebody else, not really trust people, avoiding true intimacy.

Though those people are always with a lots of people around them , they have sharp mind and a bit more sharp tongue that can heart u like a knight, all there charm is in there willed , hot nature, those the one that will b the first to arrange a party , you will always see them smile , always will glad to help people even wean its coming on there on benefit , look very mentally strong from out side…but from the inside are like that chilled that still afraid to be heart and having a big glass wall that not let anyone to really inner deep to the hart , they cant tack that chance again …

Wounded Soul that trying to run away from her shadow always know to identify the people that same as they are,don’t have to say anything in word u just know.

  Whith thoes like u its really hard u want to get closer coz u know that u are both in a run trying to avoid your shadow …but as much as u want to get closer  both sides becoming afraid from expose the invisible pain.

its much more easy  to move on maybe to make a small drama just to have an excuse to the logic mind and make the gap between the nice charming image to the small chilled that just afraid to left alone.

The tragic think is that u can't feel joy love and true happiness if u trying so hard to avoid your "shadow" as you grow up u start to understand that no body can run away from his pain all the time.

Runing and lie to yourself is hearting much more …there are a good emotion & bad emotion
they are still 2 side of one coin

I know I was trying to runaway from my "shadow " for to long now ,I know he will always b there he is a part of me and I don’t want to throw the coin …there is 2 side for that coin & if i cant tack just oun  i will tack them both.

© Lila Benharush


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