Perfect life is not available

We always have this abruptly stupid idea that there is a perfect life , the prefect job ,the perfect partner in life
So we live our life with a lots of pain coz there is no such a think as perfect …it's just not human.
Everything in life include good &bad and only for us we have 2 expert that fact and stop fighting with realty its not helping anyway and even make it worst every think that we have a resistance for him just get bigger and bigger

most of the time in hard time in life something good coming up from it 'that the way that we grow as a person , that the way that we learn what we want and don’t want , this is the only way 2 improve our life every day to a better place to achieve our goals in life

So even in days that life show us "the dark said", we can find the good think in the situation ...wean i get some painful kick from the existence i just know that this is not the right way for me & if it so bad i can go to the other said and  i  can make it so good

Only the own who know create himself hell in life can know how to create   haven there here don’t have to wait until   u crock  

© Lila Benharush


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